Read this text and write down the words you know and
the one you can guess from the context. After that, comment with your partner
about the meaning of this text.
The Word Acrobat
comes from Greek Akrobatos that it
means walk over the feet´s tip, but commonly we can talk about Acrosport as the sport where an acrobat realize
gymnastic exercises and abilities as jumps, balance, etc. We also find Acrobat as “the person who do jumps, abilities over a trapeze, the tightrope or do any other gymnastic
exercises in a public performance”.
It is difficult to say exactly when and how this kind
of exercises began, but we can say that perform acrobatics were part of humans
since a long time ago. If we look back over archaeology, different cultures and
text over the history, philosophers and poets, we can place the beginning and
development of this kind of acrobatic
exercises more than 4.000 years ago. So on at the ancient Egypt these
acrobatic exercises occupied a special place in ceremonies and parties.
Archeology excavations in ancient Greeks show us that
Greeks known about acrobatic exercises, so popular were play with bulls, doing
over them different acrobatic jumps with turns,
somersaults, balance, etc.
During IV to XIII centuries the interest in Europe for
circus activities increases, where
acrobats showed their skills at the streets and fairs of different cities and
At the Renaissance began in Venice the competition
named “Living Architecture competition”, based on elaborate acrobatics pyramids
where the winner were the ones that obtain a higher distance from the floor. It
is also from this period when appears the interest from pedagogue of that time
toward Physical Education as a tool of development and education for the
growing generation. In relation with this, the first books specially oriented
for acrobatic exercises appear.
It will be not till XVIII century that these kinds of
activities have a complete development in circus and with it, exercises at
elastic bed, trampoline, balance …
On this acrobatic and circus exercises we can make a
difference between two functions or abilities:
a) CARRYER: being this person the one who carry on.
b) AGILE: being this person the one that realize balance and flexibility
or acrobatics jumps on air being thrown by the carriers.
When nationals’ gymnastics systems emerged like:
Swedish, French and German in XVIII and XIX centuries, acrobatics take three
1. As way of life for kids at the street (to look for
2. Towards circus art.
3. As a tool/means for Sport and Physical Education.
In XX century acrobatics has a fast development,
adding trampoline exercises as an important and competitive activity.
Acrosport: Acrobatic and choreographic sport, where you can find
three main elements:
1. Creation of figures or body pyramids.
2. Acrobatic and strength elements, flexibility and
balance as transition from one figure to the other.
3. Dancing elements, jumps and gymnastic pirouettes as
choreographic element, which gives to this sport an artistic grade.
Acrobatics it is each one of the gymnastic exercises or abilities
that an acrobat realize: balance,
jumps, turns, etc.
is an important part of acrosport.
can be understood out of acrosport but not acrosport with out acrobatics.